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      'Most Ideal Shoes'

      BRAD STUDIO is a contemporary shoe brand that pursues art, life, and value.
      Our goal is to help us get more attention and have a creative life with a single shoe decoration.
      We will include styles and values that do not change over the years with good materials and
      good construction methods.


대표 신태호 사업자등록번호 554-07-02237
주소 경기도 군포시 대야2로143번길 26 (대야미동) 현대프라자 301-A호
전화 031-418-9993 통신판매업신고번호 제2022-경기군포-1568호
호스팅 서비스 제공 : CAFE24 Global Hosting
개인정보보호책임자 신태호(brad_studio@naver.com)